Welcome to the largest Spanish educational and research project on the Internet. This open and editable dictionary aims to offer a tool where, on the one hand, users broaden knowledge about the different meanings that each of the words and expressions of Spanish can adopt. And, on the other hand, give the same community the ability to expand the database with new words, unknown or unregistered, or expand the different meanings that can adopt the existing words. For identical words and according to which country of the world we move, it is very frequent to find completely different uses, that is why, once the official definition is mentioned, the dictionary allows users to expand it with new meanings or nuances. In short, a dictionary edited by users and for users. Daily among all the meanings uploaded by users will select one of them as word, expression or theme of the day. This meaning will appear on the home page just after this presentation for at least 24 hours. Finally, we have made the project extensible to words from other languages ??or disciplines, you can access these dictionaries through the drop-down that appears next to the search box and the operation is identical to the main dictionary. Hoping that the use of the dictionary is to his liking we say goodbye.
Spanish Working Group
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First of all, we want to thank all the collaborators for their help, since without them and them this project would not be possible. Since the ship sailed there in 2010 we have received a total of 181,101 Contributions to define 122,184 different words or expressions that have consulted more than 100,000 readers and have directly helped 48 people who asked the dictionary for a word that was not Registered therein.
Meaning of the day
- petigrís
It is a common name for the squirrel Sciurus griseus and its skin. It comes from the French adjective petit ("small") gray because of the color of its fur.
New Meanings collected in the dictionary
- factivo
Effective . 1 . It is said of an adjective that expresses that a subject does not perform the action by himself, but makes it be performed by another or others, in addition to that said action requires immediacy in its execution, so it implies promptness and effectiveness in the action to be carried out.
- memorioso
Memorioso/sa . 1 . It is said about a person who remembers events, facts, numbers, etc. easily and with great accuracy; said of someone who has a good memory.
- verraquear
1 . It is a matter of seeking to have sexual relations with a person, of trying to have an intimate relationship with someone in order to establish a relationship, usually of a romantic or sexual nature. 2 . It is said to grumble or show anger and anger. 3 . Saying of a child: Cry angrily and continuously.
- temazate
Common name of an American deer such as Mazama temama. From the Nahuatl te ("rock") mazatl ("deer"). See Pandora.
- bisonte
It is a common name for wild bovine animals such as buffalo or Bison bison.
- petigrís
It is a common name for the squirrel Sciurus griseus and its skin. It comes from the French adjective petit ("small") gray because of the color of its fur.
- gato montés
It is a common name for the animal Felis silvestris. See gato ("feline"), montés ("relative to the mountain").
- coyote
1º_ It is the common name for the animal Canis latrans, which comes from the Nahuatl cóyotl ("howling dog"). 2º_ One of the places where the coyote inhabits is the desert between Mexico and the United States, which is why it is also commonly called that the managers and traffickers of people who pass illegal immigrants through the border. 3º_ To be a mythological North American being, a species of anthropomorphic coyote animal, with a character more joking and trickster than evil. It is also the name of fictional characters, songs, literary works, . . . See El Coyote, Wile E. Coyote. 4º_ It is another derogatory way of calling a mestizo in Central America and North America. 4
- ofidio
Reptile of the taxon Ophidians, with an elongated body, without legs and skin covered with scales. In Greek 959; 966; 953; 948; 953; 959; 957; ( ophidion ) is a diminutive of 959; 966; 953; 962; ( ophis "snake" ") .
- hodierno
Today. 2 . The term is said to describe the tenderness of a loaf, roll, ciabatta, gun, etc.
- desaprender
1 . It is a conscious effort to abandon known, stagnant patterns, to forget convictions, to open the mind to know new paths of knowledge, perspectives and new points of view, new methodologies, etc. And thus, know the possibility that there are other ways to achieve other or better results. 2 . It is said of the action of forgetting something that has been learned.
- mercenarizar
1 . It is said to involve money in an issue, to transform some ethical or moral matter into a monetary matter; charging for public services that were previously free or of minimal cost. To give value to something or something for its economic cost. Corrupt a dilemma, issue or problem through money; trying to solve conflicts by lending money exclusively.
- mercenarización
Action and effect of mercenarizing. It carries out a process through lending exclusively money and only giving importance to it.
- abdominoescrotal
Relating to the abdomen and scrotum.
- pellejo
1º_ It is a derogatory skin expression, especially if it is flayed. It can refer to human, animal or fruit skin. In a figurative sense it is "the body, life". 2º_ Wineskin, leather container for carrying liquids. 3º_ For the previous one, when it is filled with wine, ironic way of calling a "drunkard".
- espermatozoide
Male gamete that intervenes in reproduction by fertilizing the female egg.
- semen
Fluid produced by males of various animal species (including humans) and containing sperm to fertilize females. This is also the name given to the vegetable seed.
- intestino
Internal, internal, especially of an organism, of a society. From Latin intestinus, a, um ("internal, domestic, civil"). 2º_ Name of the largest internal organ of the body of most animals, which is at the end of the digestive system and serves to absorb nutrients after being degraded by the stomach. It has several sections and is usually named in the plural.
- retina
1º_ Membrane in the inner posterior wall of the eye with photosensitive cells that send visual information to the brain through the optic nerve. 2º_ Inflection of the verb retinar ("to work wool to make cloths"). See verbs/retina .
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