Welcome to the largest Dreams educational and research project on the Internet. This open and editable dictionary aims to offer a tool where, on the one hand, users broaden knowledge about the different meanings that each of the words and expressions of Dreams can adopt. And, on the other hand, give the same community the ability to expand the database with new words, unknown or unregistered, or expand the different meanings that can adopt the existing words. For identical words and according to which country of the world we move, it is very frequent to find completely different uses, that is why, once the official definition is mentioned, the dictionary allows users to expand it with new meanings or nuances. In short, a dictionary edited by users and for users. Daily among all the meanings uploaded by users will select one of them as word, expression or theme of the day. This meaning will appear on the home page just after this presentation for at least 24 hours. Finally, we have made the project extensible to words from other languages ??or disciplines, you can access these dictionaries through the drop-down that appears next to the search box and the operation is identical to the main dictionary. Hoping that the use of the dictionary is to his liking we say goodbye.
Dreams Working Group
How has the dictionary evolved?
First of all, we want to thank all the collaborators for their help, since without them and them this project would not be possible. Since the ship sailed there in 2010 we have received a total of 362 Contributions to define 293 different words or expressions that have consulted more than 100,000 readers and have directly helped 0 people who asked the dictionary for a word that was not Registered therein.
Dream of the day
Danilo Enrique Noreña Benítez
- mariposa
If it is brightly colored, it indicates love and happiness. It is often associated with change, freedom, hope, and spiritual growth. If you are black, positive change and turn in life that relates you to new and better bonds.
New Dreams collected in the dictionary
- número diez
1 . The meaning of this number in dreams implies that changes, movement will come, both in a positive and negative sense, so it is convenient to assume that large, abrupt or unexpected changes will happen in a short time.
- portón
1 . The gate in the dream world is not very different in relation to its waking meaning (in a figurative sense) because if in our dream we see that it is open and something beautiful is accessed, it is that soon there will be success in some aspect of our life. If you see something unpleasant: we are possibly not on the right track. And logically, if we find ourselves with a closed door it means that there is some aspect or issue of our life that will not be realized, at least in the short term.
- baúl
1 . If in our dreams we find a trunk and we see that it cannot be opened, it will be that the current desires will not be fulfilled. The trunk, in addition, depending on its condition, shows data about the health of our body internally, if it is beautiful, decorated, jeweled, etc. It is that we have good health, otherwise it is a sign of starting to take care of yourself.
- tortuga
1 . This animal represents having foresight and patience, to cover our backs in the face of our current life situation, the issues that concern us the most go slowly.
- arena
1 . Sand is usually a symbol of rest and purification, by combining the elements of earth (its matter) and water (its "shape" in the sense of adaptability). Sand, in any case, if it occurs in a place that is not pleasant indicates difficulties, lack of foresight, but they are not impossible problems, rather superficial, so it is advisable to introspect in order to solve them.
- serpiente
1 . Dreaming of a snake, despite its negative fame, is a good omen, it is related to Kundalini energy, to vital energy; Its shape, color and attitude towards us in the dream will be a clue to how this energy is in us.
- número nueve
1 . The number nine in the dream world reflects loneliness, the need for a period of isolation that can bring great spiritual benefit. It is the circular number par excellence (the degrees of a circumference, such as 360º, 180º, 45º, are multiples of this number), it is advisable to look for the light within one; to take a "turn" on ourselves.
- naufragio
1 . Within the dream symbology, a shipwreck is usually an omen that you will receive something beneficial that comes from a recently deceased acquaintance or relative. Also, if we are inside a ship that sinks, it announces important changes, which can be positive or negative based on how the shipwreck itself has developed in our dream.
- cojear
1 . In the dream world, as we move and move, it will be an indication of how much emotional and/or mental charge we have. If in a dream we limp, it is possible that the unconscious wants to tell us that there is some problem or concern that does not allow us to go safely in life today.
- vidente
1 . It is very important to pay close attention when a fortune teller or psychic appears in the dream world. It will probably be to resolve immediate or near-future issues in the waking world. Consulting a fortune teller or using some means of divination may indicate that the matters we are setting in motion are going to develop slowly.
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