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Spanish Open dictionary by Felipe Lorenzo del Río

Felipe Lorenzo del Río

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Term English of prolapse, the perfect participle of prolabor, slipping, sliding, sinking, scroll. In medicine, displacement of internal organs of the body by descent or relocation of its natural place. It tends to affect the bladder, uterus, vagina, urethra, rectum, or other parts of the body and can have multiple causes.

de profundis

De profundis: penitential Psalm 130, frequently used in the liturgy of the dead. As musical composition primarily from the Baroque has a tone solemn and sad. De profundis clamavi ad te, Dómine; / Domine exaudi vocem meam. / Fiant aures tuæ mayors / in vocem deprecationis meae. / If observaveris, Domine, iniquitates / Domine, quis sustinebit? /: from the depths I call to ti, Lord; Lord, hear my voice. That your ears attend the voice of my supplications. If you consider the guilt, Lord, who can resist?.


Guarimba: subversive method Venezuelan through acts of sabotage devised in the mid-20th century against the dictatorship of Marcos Pérez Jiménez.


Borreguero heaven: Heaven to sheep, cantaritos or also sheep in the sky, rain puddles in the soil, wet soil or mackerel sky, mackerel sky, three wet days before and when the sky is also wool, if it doesn't rain today it will rain tomorrow. All these these Proverbs of Castile and other parts of Spain allude to the imminence of the rain when they appear in the sky abundant clusters, clouds as regularly distributed in the celestial Vault cottony balls or eddies of a fleece wool.


Plural of analogy, Greek etymology: ana-, prefix polysemic, upon, over, by, through and logos, reason, Word, study, knowledge. Relation, comparison or similarity between things, images, concepts or reasons which is applicable to different areas, as logic, law, psychology or Linguistics. Unreliable reasoning that at most who could get would be to the probability is as logical procedure. An argument by analogy would be this: object A has the characteristics a, b, c, d and e; the object B has features b, c, d and e; then probably also has the feature to.

al carret

Street: exclamation expression of hispano-mediterraneas languages: on the street!, out! Lately is used frequently in the sports gatherings of merengues and cules especially once Barca was eliminated from the UEFA champions league by Italian Juventus. Some Madrid fans used the Catalan expression with bitchy.


Pannier is derived from andalusi Arabic el-khurga and East of the Arabic Al hury ( 41 bag; As well said mate Pedro Crespo, bags tend to be of strong canvas or wool cloth or a cloth to carry food or any objects on the horses or two-wheeled vehicles. Before people, used them as witness the tale two panniers of Aesop, Greek fabulist of the 6th century a. d. C. Prometheus, the trainer of men, endowed to each of two saddlebags, the forward for other defects and on the back for their own. Why we see easily outside failures and we are blind to their own. What happened to Prometheus!


Adjective Galician and Portuguese. Sobrancero. In Galician and Portuguese this term has an optimistic semantics as it means that stands out, that it is superior spatial, social, or personally, tall, dominant, arrogant, high, proud, prominent and preeminent. In Spanish is the lazy having no job or benefit, what leftovers or exceeds form, quantity, or weight.

ballena azul

Macabre and cruel game created by a perverse mind, that of Phillip Budeykin Psychology student? " to clean society of people without any kind of value " in his words, the silhouette of a whale in the forearm extended Internet, 50 levels of difficulty self-destructive, as seen throughout a day horror films, not sleep for several days, self-harm, tattooing with a knife, to end in suicide. To the many suicides of teenagers around the world have tripped alarms. This evidence that we should have control access to the internet from our children and grandchildren and educate them on trust and respect.


Although it is not word SAR, I have heard it in the area of Guadalajara with the meaning of staying private, choking breath or crying. Sometimes the children, they say here, they get ainos, private, without being able to breathe when his crying is very intense. Normally the problem is solved the child a pat on the back. What you can't say is if this verb hache sandwiched or not.


Also called sainfoin onobrychis viciifolia ) 40 with very beautiful and rich in nectar, highly valued ribbed pink flower as forage, beekeeping and ornamental plant. Also gives other names: ass vetch, crested hoopoe, esparcetilla, esparcilla, perigallo, wooded, pirigallo...

todo buen espa¿ol deberia mear siempre mirando a inglaterra

This expression is of Blas de Lezo and Olabarrieta, Basque Admiral, born in Pasajes ( 41 Guipúzcoa; in the 17TH century, which with 3,500 men and 6 ships defeated the English army led by Admiral Edward Vernon with 186 ships and 27,000 sailors in Cartagena de Indias in the mid-eighteenth century. These days is much talk of " Lezo 34 operation; against the political corruption of the recall. to this illustrious Spanish seaman that was a result of his war wounds cojo, manco and blind in one eye.

prefijos y sufijos cisto

Cisto-: Also tank - cisti-, quisti-, quist-, - cistia, - tank-, - cisti-, - ciste - cisto, prefixes, infixes and suffixes derived from Greek kystis kystidos, bladder, gallbladder, which form many medical terms such as cystitis, cystoscopy, cistotomía, cystocele, cistalgia, cystography, augmentation cystoplasty, neumatocisto, atretocistia, acistia, acistineuria...

memoria remota

Memory long-term or ability to recall facts from our distant past. In this report the engram or cerebral footprint is deeper so the facility to fire the nerve impulse that reminds of the fact is greater. The memories of our childhood belong to long-term memory. Remember what we did yesterday the immediate memory or short-term memory.

es por eso que

It is also by this, expressions frequently used galicistas and equivalent to " that/this is why what " although it is best to avoid the circumlocution and say simply " why or why " having mentioned immediately above the reason or the motive mentioned. It was raining; that is why he took the umbrella. Best: it was raining; so she took the umbrella.


Zosimus: Male proper name, common among early Christians, derived from the Greek word dsoe. Dsoes: life. Zosimus of Panópolis was one of the first alchemists who we have news. He lived in the 4th century in Egypt.


Proteinuria: Medical term derived from the Greek protos, first, for being the protein one of the first organic elements with carbohydrate and carbs and ouron ourou, urine. Excessive presence of protein in the urine by the abnormal functioning of the kidney. The presence of more than 8 milligrams is considered excessive per deciliter. It should be considered a serious health problem often associated with diabetes, high blood pressure or kidney disease.


Greek country Paidós, child and crateo, govern, send, be at the front. Political system headed by children or young people. Thus they tend to call with a certain disdain some older forms of Government led by young people still not tanned by political malice.

achantar la mui

In the language, quinqui or Romani of the mercheros, quincalleros or quinquilleros, shut your mouth. They also say Dr mui or Shantar Blackbird, not to mention, do not replicate to other what you say, not to respond to your questions. This expression is also sometimes heard in the traditional language of the madriles. " MUtil, achanta mui! ": lad, calla mouth.

a capela

A cappella: delivered a cappella. Another musical meaning as in the Chapel, i.e. as Jorge Luis, without instrumental accompaniment, as up to modernity in the churches and cathedrals only could sound the human voice. Singing a cappella is singing a dry stick. Other italianismos are sottovoce ( 41 sotovoche; quietly, in secret, spaghetti, birra, Duet, facha, bye ( ciao ) watercolor, adagio ( adayo 41, graffiti, Gazette, piano, Sonnet.



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