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Spanish Open dictionary by Felipe Lorenzo del Río

Felipe Lorenzo del Río

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Ceneque. You're very right, Luis; Since the SAR defines it as bread, piece of bread, i.e., crust or piece of bread, above all the excess and hard; term which in my land of ready and elsewhere also qualifies the person clumsy, few entendederas, silly, Chump, boba and spineless, like you say.


Latin America there are many places, institutions and last names with this name, but, although this is a no-brainer, it is also the name of the fruit peach ( Persian prunus ) with its different varieties and fruit, as well as the shrub viburnum tinus which here also called Honeysuckle whose reddish and striking umbelliform inflorescences I see start in my winter walks.


In latin, capense or of Cape Town, the Cape of good hope and, by extension, of South Africa. Mostly a botanical term which indicates the region phytogeographic and the floral Kingdom in the area of the Cape of good hope, of special scientific interest due to their small, its rich is floristic and nearly null presence of trees.


The Sephardim, Cabinet of the synagogues or small bedroom decorated Jewish mode, in which the boxes containing the scrolls of the Torah are stored. The Ashkenazim call it aron hakodesh, sacred wardrobe.


Also despatarrar is. In my land of ready and in many parts of Spain sit with open legs, mostly men because women have always been much more recatadas and educated. Also give the bones on the floor with one leg for here and another there. The municipality of Manuela Carmena is showing macho, unsightly and uncooperative stance of the espatarre in the metro and buses, posture that does not respect the space of others. Each one in your home that is espatarre as you want, but in public spaces, therefore if everyone did the same, there would be no site for as much leg.

casas a la malicia

Houses with trap built in Madrid, after the transfer of the Court from Valladolid by Felipe II, from the 16th to the 18th, to avoid the Regalia room, Royal privilege whereby homeowners of the town and Court were to aposentar for free to an official of the King. Trap was to pretend that the House not met conditions for that task.


Among the Gypsies, baby, child, boy, lad, rapa, guaje. " Now comes a churumbel; We hope to bring a loaf of bread under the arm or at least one 34 fragoneta;

non sequitur

Latinism: " not followed, not linked, it has nothing to do, it is not clear from the above ". It may be a literary or logical resource. As literary resource and Dialogic is a funny, shocking and humorous occurrence that has no relationship with the above as in this verse: at sea there is a fish, / tail has green / disabuse you, Nugget, / your boyfriend not want you. As resource logical fallacy or any inconsistent argument whose conclusion does not follow from the premises like this: If A then B, B, then.

la quinta del sordo

The quinta de Goya, extensive estate and country house of a certain Pedro Marcelino white, also deaf, Goya purchased in 1819 and in which he lived his last years, away from the totalitarian Court of Fernando VII, until his departure to French exile in 1824. On its adobe walls Goya captured his black paintings dry oil. It was completed from demolish in 1909 by its ruinous State. Segovia was located in an area of orchards on the right bank of the Manzanares River 300 m from the bridge in the District of la Latina.


Time: from the latin eccum ( ecce eum ) illac, beyond. Adverb that often use older persons in mi tierra de Aliste intensifying the value of there and there, indicating remoteness with respect to anyone who speaks or listens, as opposed to here or here.


Adelphi: Adelphoi, nominative and Vocative plural of adelphos - ou, brother in Greek, or maybe adelphai, nominative and Vocative plural of adelphe - is, sister. From here derives the name from some cities such as Philadelphia, oleander Bush in some languages than romance, the scientific name of other plants and animals or names as Adelfe Adelfo, Adolfo, Addolph, Aldous, Aldus, Alfeus, Alpheus, Alpha, Alpheo, Alpheaus, Alphoeus, Delphinus, Dolphus, Rodolphus...

¿que hora es? -manzanas traigo

Also where are going? -Apples bring or where have you come from? -Apples bring. Expression made sly, ironic and mocking to qualify certain dialogues in which a question received a cynical response that comes out by peteneras, goes down the tangent, which does not have anything to do with it asked well is to evade responsibilities of politicians, to avoid complications in the diplomats, or just to be silly as if I had not heard or understood nothing. This attitude is very own lately of Spanish politicians who are in power when they answer questions parliamentarians or journalists.


Heretical Christian doctrine founded in the 2nd century by Theodotus of Byzantium, according to which Christ was only a man that Dios adopted as a son at the time of his baptism by San Juan Bautista in the Jordan River. Despite the excommunication of Theodotus by towards the year 198 Pope Victor I, ideas continued spreading mostly in Rome, cosmopolitan centre of all races, theories and religions of the time. In Hispania in the 8th century Archbishop Elipando de Toledo, Bishop Félix de Urgel defends it. Elipando living in Muslim wants to negotiate with them to which Christ was a prophet and only a man, therefore argues that in his human nature was adopted as son of God, but in his divine nature itself was the son of God. Against this theory of Elipando wrote the Beatus of Liébana with Osma the Apologeticum Eterio adversus Elipandum.


In the popular Spanish, foreign language tourist whose language is not understood, especially the English-speaking. It seems that the origin of the word is in the Carlist Wars as Galdos says: " As soon the officers invaded the posada carcas ( Carlist ) as the foreigners than with this name were known in Navarra Liberals " ( Christians, by reina Cristina, isabelists, Queen Elizabeth or guiristinos in the words of the Carlists ). Other explanations relate the word with the Caló or girl, Miss in English or, as says our Juan Goytisolo, that peace rests with the Turkish guiur, foreign, infidel, who professes a religion other than Islam.

lenguas de fuego

In the book of the new testament of the acts of the Apostles of San Lucas in Chapter 2, 3-4, says: " When you arrive the day of Pentecost .se appeared them tongues as of fire that were distributed, and it sat upon each of them; they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the spirit granted them express ". I think that Luke, who was a cultured person, medical profession, wanted to convey with this image the idea that language, not only the body but also the word, is fundamental to create people, religious or not, but people who know how to respect and help yourself and that, misused, can also create much damage and discomfort. Controlled fire is a gift from the gods, but when it breaks.


The students of Madrid who aspire to enter the University have examined today's philosophy calls selectivity tests. They have had to choose between a text by Nietzsche of the Gaya science and another of the Phaedo of Plato, are how not? In this text speaks Plato of the nature and immortality of the soul and how, when we die, the soul back to the spiritual world, dream world, the world of ideas, the supraceleste world. According to early Christians heaven, what is beyond the physical sky thinking popular; but this supraceleste world isn't physical or spatial for Plato nor for Christian theologians. The simple people conceive it located above, where everything is soft, transparent as air.

que significa refulgia

It glowed: 1st and 3rd person singular and courtesy of the past imperfect of the verb indicative singular 2nd shine, shine, issue shine or glare, glowing, fulgurar, rutilar, relumbrar, Flash, look, glistening, flashing.

meterse en algo de hoz y coz

The faucis, throat and calx, calcis, heel faux Latin: meddling in something of the feet to the head, full, completely, fully, engage in an affair with all its consequences, unless they hurt garments. " so that whole sale was cries, voices, cries, confusion, fears, frights, misfortunes, gashes, fisticuffs, sticks, kicks and bloodshed. Deste chaos half, machine and maze of things, it is represented in memory of Don Quixote that was gotten sickle and coz in the discord of the Agramante field and thus said in a voice that it blared sale: have it all, all envainen...! " ( Cap XLV ).


Vera: 3rd person and courtesy of the singular of the present indicative form 2nd and 2nd singular of the imperative of the verb enverar, verolar, start at pintonear or to take color of ripe grapes and other fruits like cherries, cherries, peaches, pavías, apricots, olives...


Ripening: In viticulture, intermediate period in the creation process of the grapes in which the black due to the presence of anthocyanins and yellow is changing colour to bluish red white, to go replacing new chlorophyll pigments and go aparieciendo sugars, acids, the aromas and phenolic compounds. Maturation from the start of veraison takes place at 40 or 50 days depending on the climate, terrain, and the different varieties.



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