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Spanish Open dictionary by Felipe Lorenzo del Río

Felipe Lorenzo del Río

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hydroscopic is incorrectly written and it should be written as "hygroscopic" being its meaning: Masculine singular adjective of Hygroscopicity, of Greek origin: ygros ygra ygron: damp, wet and skopeo verb: observe, look at, examine: what looks like wet. It's really what absorbs moisture from the surrounding environment. Some of these substances have been used as desiccants in writing ink of the past.


Plural of basket, traditional vessel of variable size and shape preferably conical or cylindrical, made of vegetable as osier, reeds or grass, although lately warp is also made of plastic material and used and was used for containing and transporting different materials, from food to industrial objects. In ready, to the Northwest of the province of Zamora, the baskets are always made of wicker and are always larger than baskets.


It is a German Institute for social research and statistical analysis, founded in 1984 in Cologne: Cologne (Forsa Gesellschaft für Sozialforschung und Statistische Analyse mbh ) and currently based in Berlin.


psitologia is incorrectly written and should be written as "psychology or psychology" being its meaning: Word of Greek origin: psiche psiches: soul and logos: study, rationality, knowledge; its etymological meaning is therefore: study of the soul. But when the psychology, from the 19th century became a scientific knowledge focused their study on observable human phenomena, human behaviour, differentiating it different schools: American Behaviorism (Skinner ) Russian reflexology (Paulov ) the German Gestalt (Koler ) the psychoanalysis of Freud...


Which desenladrilla. Desenladrillar means remove or boot bricks from a wall or the floor. It is a word in disuse as not to say tongue twisters of the type: "The sky is enladrillado; the desenladrillador that desenladrille so good desenladrillador will be " Other: "The Archbishop of Constantinople is archiconstantinopolitanizado, the desarchiconstantinopolitanizador be good desarchiconstantinopolitanice desarchiconstantinopolitanizador will be "

emborrachar la perdiz

In English we say " evading the issue " that means " talk to detours and delays to not get to the heart of the matter 34.


Plural of endogenous, Greek: endon: inside, inside and genos geneos: birth, origin, gignomai: birth, to become, occur. "It is born or originated from within " or " which is born by virtue of internal causes " in opposition to which is caused by external causes.


Psychogenic or sicogena, singular feminine adjective of sicogenesis, a word of Greek origin, of psyché psyches: soul, spirit and genos geneos: origin, birth, lineage...Therefore psychogenic means " which has its origin in Sikhism ". If the cause is sicogena something, you want to say that it has its cause or origin in the psije, " 34 soul;


Own name derived from constans constantis, present participle of the Latin verb cost consists constare does remain the same. Constancio means by this that remains constant, " " " which is kept in the same attitude, " " which continues on the same line of work or attitude of life "


Plural of dacrio, which is the point of union of the lacrimal bone with frontal and maxillary. On the other hand dacri - and dacrio - are prefixes derived from the Greek lakryon lakryou: tear, from the verb lakryo: cry. Form words as dacryoadenitis, dacryocystitis...


I want to correct a typo in previous post: tears and cry in Greek transcribed as dakryon and dacryo respectively lakryon and not lakryo as I have written. Thank you


consonamico is incorrectly written, and should be written as "consonant" with its meaning: Masculine singular adjective of consonant. So is the realativo a and the same consonant letters

quien ansia lo del otro puede terminar perdiendo lo propio

This said, whose meaning does not have much to clarify, to me reminds me of the fable of the dog and the piece of meat from the Greek Aesop ( 6th century a. d. C. ) it was then rewritten by other writers as the Archpriest of Hita from the 14th century and that in summary it says this: A dog to cross a river with a piece of meat in his mouth saw his image in the water, believing it to be another dog with one greater piece, so it dropped his to catch the other and thus was left with nothing. Moral refers to the meaning of the saying above: greed breaks the sack.

prefijos hemo, hidr, hiper

The prefix hemo - derived from the Greek word haima haimatos which means blood. Why all the words prefix hemo - have to do with the blood, such as hemodialysis, hematoma, erythrocytes, hematology...The hydraulic - or hydro prefix derives from hydor hydatos which means water. form words such as hydrogen, Hydrophobia, hydration, carbohydrates, Mead...The prefix hiper-deriva of the adverb and the Greek preposition hyper meaning upon, up, more, more. Words with this prefix denote superiority or excess, such as hypertension, Hyperglycemia, farsightedness, hyper, hyperoxia, hyperplasia, hypertrophy...

antonimo de epoca

antonym of time is incorrectly written and should be written as "antonym of time" being its meaning: Age has a Greek etymology. Epoche which means stop, interruption or suspension of judgment in skepticism and also stop time or of the stars comes from. The old related the stop points of the stars in a season with historical events. Those points marked as a period of time, an era. For us time means the period of time, was, stage, age, duration, phase, cycle, everything related to the chronological time, chronos to the Greeks and therefore the antonym would be acronia, the acrónico, i.e., the timeless, which logically cannot be applied to events jobs are always temporary. Applies to theories of whatever it is that they don't count the passage of time in the object of their study or studies. It would be as a cut in the timeline, and a detailed analysis of such court.


atológico is incorrectly written, and should be written as "outstanding" being its meaning: It's own, or relative to the anthology, from the Greek anthos anthou: flower and logos from the same root that lego: say, choose: choose the flower. An anthology is a collection of literary works most representative of one or more authors or a genre or literary style: a forilegio, Latin word flos-floris; 40: flower and lego: read ) that was already used in the middle ages as exact synonym. Anthological also means extraordinary, worthy of being featured.


Devote ( from latin consecro consecras consecrare ) It is a polysemic Word as it means to dedicate itself with special dedication to a task or activity: " consecrated his life to the poor " also means to give someone fame or success: " the film established him as an actor, " and also sacred to a person or thing ( and therefore remove them from ordinary things, make them taboo and dedicated to the divinity or religious worship ): " Bishop consecrated him priest " and " the priest consecrated bread and wine ". This last sentence alludes to the Eucharistic consecration or mass officiating Catholic priests, on which there are two theological theories: the transubstantiation or the change of substance and the transignificacion or change of meaning.


Peruvian publishing founded in 1986 that lately is being investigated along with other publishers for the sale of textbooks in a situation of unfair competition. It also distributes magazines

concepto de dialogica

concept of Dialogic is incorrectly written and it should be written as "dialogical" being its meaning: Singular feminine adjective of Nadeau, Nadeau or Entendre or silepsis of Greek origin ( di-day-: prefix meaning inter alia " two " and logos logou: knowledge, study, meaning ): two senses. It is a rhetorical figure of the literati consisting in the use of a Word with several meanings within the same statement. Ex: so-and-so left prison accompanied by ten Cardinals Vatican. The Cardinals have double sense.

factores predictores

Elements of the present in which is based the prediction or announcement of what will happen in the future in the field concerned. For example, the Predictive factors of weather that will make are the data provided by the meteorological satellite taking into account that so far has happened, the conditions of humidity, atmospheric pressure, temperature, wind and the experience accumulated by the inhabitants of each place that tends to translate into proverbs, sayings or curious observations.



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