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Spanish Open dictionary by Felipe Lorenzo del Río

Felipe Lorenzo del Río

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que es balar

From the latin balo bullets balare, balitar, balitear, screaming, gamitar, dar bleats, onomatopoeic sounds emitted by the ovidos, deer or Deer communicate. Colloquially and disused bleat by: sigh, wishing with longing.


hypoglycaemic is incorrectly written, and should be written as "Hypoglycemic" being its meaning: Causing hypoglycemia, from the Greek hypo: under, beneath, below and glykys glykeia glyky: sweet, sweet, pleasant flavor and haima haimatos: blood: what lowers the glucose in blood. The element natural hypoglycemic and stabilizes blood glucose levels is the hormone insulin secreted by the beta cells of the pancreas. When they disappear or malfunctioning disease of diabetes is type I or type II. There are also medicines or foods hypoglycaemic insofar as they favor in different ways the descent of glucose after eating. The perfect levels of glucose are 100 milligrams per deciliter of blood. Those who suffer from diabetes should report matters of glucose and hypoglycemia.

herba de namorar

Also the maiden of emprenadeira, namoradeira, sea, marina or traiocha na faltriqueira ( carqueixa armeria maritima ) forming compact shrubs with white or pink flowers on the cliffs near San Andrés de Teixido ( onde vai of dead or non foi live ) near Cedeira and da costa da morte, where he is held every summer in the month of August a festival of Celtic music. According to the popular and magical tradition of Galicia have to collect this grass in the summer Equinox in the night of San Juan, night meiga and sorceress par excellence, and put furtively in clothing or the desired person's home. Oh mine Galiza! Here I spent part of my childhood. What beauty of landscapes and people!.

que singnifica sobreesdrujula

like sobreesdrujula is incorrectly written and it should be written as "sobreesdrujula" as meaning: Also sobresdrujula. According to the Academy when the prefix ends with the same vowel that starts the term which fits, these vowels, can be simplified unless there is another homografa Word. Sobreesdrujula or sobresdrujula is the word that carries the accent in any previous to the antepenultimate syllable. Both these as the esdrújulas are always written with a tilde. The plain words are sobresdrujulas couple that two enclitic pronouns, for example, write it, announce it to me...

acivro en gallego

Or acivro ou xardon ( ilex aquifolium ) It's Holly, in Galician, bright green leaves and spikes at the edges; plant protected and sacred in Celtic culture, once used for medicinal purposes and whose wood is good for making bagpipes. It occurs primarily in fresh and moist mountains in the Northwest of the peninsula. It also occurs as an ornamental shrub in many parks in Spain. It is one of the jewels of our flora.


clóchina is incorrectly written, and should be written as "clóchina" being its meaning: Also clotxina, Mediterranean mussels or Mussel Valencia ( mitylus galloprovincialis ) most tasty, small and orange as his brother the Galician by developing water more salty, warm and nutritious, especially from May to September.


Plural of fingerboard: Greek day pason ( 41 chordon;: through all the ropes. It is a metal device ( 41 steel; shaped fork and size variable, but manageable, which is mostly used to tune musical instruments or catch the tone by singing, because it always gives the same note when we hit something metal, i.e., always has the same sound vibration... Therapies or seudoterapias from the oriental tendency is often used also. They say it heals bones, tendons, muscles and moods... But this is very difficult to assess, and must be very careful with the charlatans.


Leonardo Boff, writer, theologian, philosopher, teacher, ecologist and Brazilian Franciscan born in Concordia in 1938, founder, with the Peruvian Dominican Gustavo Gutiérrez Merino, from the theology of liberation, so unjustly persecuted by the official Church, which has accused it of Marxist, simply for defending that extreme violence is legitimate, which also defended Saint Tomás de Aquino in the 13th century to justify the tyrannicide. In 1985 Razinger imposed one year of silence. In 1992, he left the priesthood and the Franciscan order. Author of more than 60 books, today is a professor at the University of Rio de Janeiro.


Feminine of culisuelto, nickname used in the Leonese country applicable to who has colitis, gastroenteritis or another similar disease. Here it has no pejorative sense that seems in some places in Latin America.


Greek didymos, double, twin, twin. Name of the God Apollo as the twin brother of ARTEMIS, sons of Zeus and Leto. Also used DIDYMUS or Didyma not only to refer to the children of Leto, biology also says body structured in two symmetrically situated lobes. In the Gospel of St. John ( 11-16 ) DIDYMUS, refers to shots that some consider the twin brother of Jesus.


narcisita is incorrectly written, and should be written as "narcissistic" being its meaning: Egocentric, in love with itself, an admirer of his own beauty and qualities, vain, that he loves his own image in imitation of God Narcissus, son of the nymph Liriope of Tespia, young beautiful which rejected all in love girls, so it was punished by Nemesis, Goddess of revenge, to contemplate the image of his face reflected in the water of a river to fall in and drown. Extreme narcissist can have a pathological personality who study psychiatrists.


Also, Ziba, biblical figure in the old testament, named in the 2nd book of Samuel chapters 9 and 16, servant of King Saul, freed according to Flavio Josefo, father of 15 and 20 servants master. The death of Saul he intrigued to King David to get their inheritance had gotten his grandson Mephibosheth, finally getting the half after the defeat and death of Absalom.

antonimo de sonata

In music there are many forms and genres, according to the time of the composition, the instruments used, the use of the human voice or not, its religious nature or not, their melodic or rhythmic features. So is not the same a Chaconne, a flight, a night, a parade, a rondo, a Symphony, an overture, a sonata, a madrigal, a motet, a cantata, a madrigal or a Christmas Carol. They are different musical compositions, but they are not considered antonyms together but different. The sonata can be very different from the cantata because the first involves one or more musical instruments but never the human voice, what happens if in the cantata.

que es hipsipila

It's hypsipyle is incorrectly written and should be written as "hypsipyle" being its meaning: Mythological and literary character of Greek culture, Queen of Lemnos, where the women were punished by Aphrodite with unpleasant halitosis, so the men rejected them, being killed in revenge. Hypsipyle saved his father, Thoas, so it was represaliada for the others. In the homonymous tragedy by Euripides, reconstructed from fragments mythographic years ago, connect different myths of the Greek world, such as the killing of the island of Lemnos, Jason and the Argonauts, the seven against Thebes and the Nemean games.


3rd person singular present subjunctive or 2nd person singular respect and 3rd of the imperative of the verb to twist what it means to turn a thing about herself holding it on the one hand, or by this and its opposite with different purposes such as drain water, braiding a rope or gleaned a branch: also to interpret an expression or conduct of a circumvention mode misrepresenting the meaning and causing unnecessary trouble with bad faith. Also used pronominalmente to mean movements or bodily contortions of pain or pleasure.

obsolescencia programada

Word difficult to define the expiration of the products of the capitalist economy, based on the philosophy of buy, shoot, and buy. In the economy of the superconsumo, especially before the crisis, most of the products are designed to last for a year or two, or those who are and since then escacharrar, become useless and obsolete so that the consumer bought another new: why the good capitalist Designer will apply to all products an Achilles heel that causes this situation within certain time whether these shoes, medicines, cars, tables or static bikes. The word derives from the word Latin obsolesco, obsolescere, fall into disuse or neglect.

ente de raz

entity of raz is incorrectly written and it should be written as "being of reason" being its meaning: An entity is an individual being, whatever it is and of any nature. The word derives from the verb eimi Greek ( be, be ) whose present participle is on OATUU on: which is ( it is ) which is ( it is ) which is ( it is 41. The Scholastics medieval as Sto Tomás de Aquino distinguishing reason entities that are those who exist only in the mind as ideas or images without correspondence with the real world and real bodies that we can form an idea or mental representation. In other words, there are two planes in the real, logical plane or mental ( 41 ideas; and the ontological plane or real ( things or external realities to 41 mind;.

que es el area de rectangulo

that is the area of rectangle is incorrectly written and should be written as "rectangle area" being its meaning: It is the surface of this geometric shape that is rectangular but not square because two equal and parallel sides are unequal with respect to the other two also equal length and parallel. Its area formula is base height, i.e. what measured multiplied aside so it measures one of its contiguous. For those who know little geometry edges must be expressed in the same measure of length by multiplying; We can not multiply centimeters meters; Yes meters meters or centimeters with cm. They are Perogrullo truths, but we must remember them.

qué significa unamurs

What means unamurs is incorrectly written and should be written as "unamur" as meaning: University of Namur, capital of the Belgian Wallonia, founded by the Jesuits in 1831 promotes humanistic values in teaching and research. The official language is French, but the local dialect is the Walloon. It is 47 km from Leuven, where it is one of the first universities founded in 1425. In Namur, city with more than 100,000 inhabitants, confluence of the rivers Meuse and Sambre, and it is an industrial and tourism zone.

locucion en resumen

locution in summary is incorrectly written and should be written as "locution" being its meaning: From the latin locutio locutionis: diction, pronunciation, speaking and this verb loquor: talk. It means the Act and the way of speaking. In grammar is a fixed expression of two or more words with sense own and independent of the individual words. Example: when we say " go you know " We are not giving any order, simply want to say that it is difficult to know the truth of something. There are several kinds of phrases according to the core of the expression



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