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Spanish Open dictionary by Felipe Lorenzo del Río

Felipe Lorenzo del Río

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Otherworldly: Linguistic deformation of osear is this o is and this o is equivalent to is saying, this is. This expression that the dictionary does not recognize has been and is very used by traditional locals when they want to do the funny or interesting with the comic attitude of Madriz. Also used in many other parts of Spain in the same way. Madrid, otherworldly of Madriz, is he that is born, lives, or tapea in the madriles without distinction as to race, sex, religion, language or Rh.

basto o vasto

The homophones, such as these, always have a different etymology. Vast drift of the vast medieval vulgar latin bastas bastare, carry load, is sufficient for this from the Greek bastadso, lift, carry, and hold. From here derive three interrelated meanings, the stick of the deck or stick ( in the medieval latin bastum, garrote ) rig carrying charge as the pack-saddle and also provided good animals, then thick, fat, and finally rude, ordinary, rough, rude, vulgar, apricot, plebeian, Lout, rude. Vasto is derived from the latin vast vast classic vastare, leave empty, let desert, devastate, obliterate and then leave a space and empty huge; Here the meaning of our language extensive, large, big, huge. Now Julio Cesar was talking about vastum mare ( 41 vast sea;.


Spanish NGO founded in Andalusia in 1981, dedicated to the defense of the rights of consumers. The latest complaint, the possible manipulation of the receipt of light this winter by electric companies that often accommodate politicians removed from the foreground of the power as advisors. Why is it?. The initials refer to their origin: Federation of associations of consumers and users of Andalusia.


Feminine of polynomial, pertaining to or having much form polynomial, from the Greek polys polle poly, and according to some, what nomos, rule, standard, distribution; According to others, what nomos, part, division of the territory. Etymologically it means therefore has many parts. The polynomial is an algebraic expression consisting of two or more monomials or algebraic terms. Said the teacher of Mathematics: starting from tomorrow started with those polynomials.


Tree originating from the North of the India also known as Moringa, paradise white, jasmine French, stick of bee, stick syringe, Terebinth, jacinto, reseda, ben, freedom ( moringa oleifera ) with many medicinal applications already in medicine Ayurvedic and highly nutritious as all its parts, leaves, flowers and fruits shaped green beans with oil seeds, carrot-like roots are usable in. It contains oil, carbohydrates, vitamins, many trace elements. As forage for animals increases the production of milk and meat. A quality biodiesel is also obtained from its seeds. Also used as a fungicide. I don't understand how this plant jewel is not more widespread around the world.


From the Greek polys polle poly, much, kytos kyteos, cell, cavity and haima haimatos, blood: many blood cells red in the blood or what is it same haematocrit high. This disorder is also called plethora or erythrocytosis and may have many causes besides genetics as living at great height above sea level, high levels of testosterone, lack of oxygen by a disease and others.

tempus est iocundum

It is time to enjoy, title of one of the compositions that sings the love and the spring of the Codex Buranus or Cármina Burana, collection of goliardos songs of the 12th and 13th centuries probably collected in a Benedictine Abbey in Austria and found in the 19th century in Bura, name latino of Benediktbeuern in Germany. Carmina is the neutral plural Carmen carminis which means song, melody and poetry. The carmina burana sing earthly pleasures, carnal love and enjoyment of life with an acid critique of power levels and above all the Church. Oh, oh, oh, totus floreo: Oh, I'm exultant, fiery, full of love.


Latin adjective meaning oblivious, (Word which derives via equity), other than me, alien. Cultured via derived the word alienating, alienation, very analyzed by Marxist philosophy concept and neomarxist to describe human situations of manipulation by the economic infrastructure and the superstructure that alienated human beings making you think and be something other than itself, enslaving it in one way or another.


The Basque Word is itsaslabar which means cliff

como se les dice a una mujer con organos masculinos

A woman that have also organs sexual male, it same that a man that have also attributes sexual female, is considered hermaphrodite, by the God Greek Hermaphroditus, son of Hermes and Aphrodite, that was born male and them gods transformed in hermaphrodite before the request of the nymph Salmacis, in whose Lagoon is bathed, embracing is to it against its will and merging is in an only God. Hermaphroditism is a relatively frequent phenomenon in plants and some animals. Not so in human beings because, although they apparently have two sexes, only one is functional, being their reproductive cells either sperms or eggs, but not both at the same time things.


In German House of Ranger or agent forest

diseminacion hematogena

Hematogenous dissemination: medical term that means dispersion, scattering or spread somewhat through the blood, from the Greek haima haimatos blood and genos geneos, origin, and this of the verb gignomai, get to be, birth, become, occur, take place, result: that it becomes or is produced by blood. In Hematogenous metastasis transport and development of cancer cells carried out blood-borne, there is therefore a hematogenic dissemination of these cells.


Medical and biology term coined by Christian de Duve Belgian biochemist in 1963, derived from the Greek autos, self and fagomai, eat, action eat itself. Some living organisms on his less useful organs perform this form of nurture is exceptionally to survive in situations of prolonged need. The cellular Autophagy is a process studied by Japanese biologist Yoshinori Ohsumi, so Nobel of Medicine received the award last year. The protagonists of this process are some organelles of the cell called Lysosomes that digest and recycle others parts damaged and of undone.


Active volcano of taper, almost 6,000 metres high, located in the South of Peru, Department of Arequipa, in the western part of the cordillera of the Andes. Sabancaya means tongue of fire in quechua; He entered again erupting early last November.


In asturleones and Galician natural of Santa Colomba de Sanabria ( Zamora ). Also alpabarda, John wool, person with no character, calzonazos, also man, alelao, atontado, memo, simple, insensible, papanatas, albardan. Also means a fish gregarious, pelagic and lanky ( scomberesox saurus ) alcrique, saury of the Atlantic and other imaginary that also called biosbardo or pisbardo with which spend jokes in winter to them more inocentones and alpabardos in the area perfectly, it same that those hunters with them gamusinos.

mirar a las alpabardas

Also be in the alpabardas, or thinking about the alpabardas, perfectly and Galician verbal phrase which means be enthralled, self-absorbed, thinking of shrews, with staring, with eyes of sea bream, be in babia.

entre pitos y flautas

Adverbial expression that means between one thing and another, because of many and small things is a large in any field as the economic effect. " Between whistles and flutes we passed the day without knowing US 34. Said comedian Eugenio: " They spoke two gallegos and one said to the other: between yesterday at Porriño party whistles and flutes gasteme thousand euros. And the other: and how carallo have done you? Then five hundred in whistles and other five hundred in flutes ".


Thalassa: I like the explanation of this Greek expression which makes furoya. Also the Greek world excites me. As our colleague, Greek mercenaries who supported to Cyrus the younger against his brother Artajerjes II, after being defeated in the battle of Cunaxa and after a long journey of return through Armenia, spotted the Black Sea this shouted with joy. The withdrawal was directed, among others, by Xenophon as the Spartan general Clearchus was beheaded with one another after trying to negotiate with Artaxerxes. The text of the Anabasis it translated in high school in Spain with the students of Humanities.

haustura prozezua

Basque words that mean hydraulic fracturing process, English fracking, a process whereby extracted gas and oil located in layers thousands of meters deep. The fracking uses water and sand with hundreds of chemical compounds that are injected under pressure to cause the fracture of these strata containing oil and gas. This technique has led to a great international controversy for possible damages environment, as next aquifers and pollution of air, seismic tremors and radioactivity of waste fluids. Some countries have banned it, others did not and international legislation on the subject today is not possible.


When I was a kid the marro was a Pilla game with two teams disposed in the extreme lines of a space similar to a football field. Individuals who were leaving the line could catch and made captives, by touching them, all that had gone before, but not the later. So you had to be careful and see who had power and who not to catch and not be caught.



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