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Spanish Open dictionary by Felipe Lorenzo del Río

Felipe Lorenzo del Río

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Anglicism. Despatarramiento or despatarre men, spread-legged denounced by feminists the world rightly, because some men sit in public places such as subway or bus opening legs, or in this case the legs, occupying the site of two. The Madrid Mayor Carmena supported last year the complaint originated in New York.

groom of the stool

In English, limpiaculos, mozo of real feces. Important position at the English Court, started in the 15th century with Enrique VII, father of the Tudor, one of whose missions was to wipe the ass to the King or Queen when it was expedient, by which should always have handy a good stool with a large hole in the Center already real buttocks have been traditionally significant, above all those of the greedy, syphilitic and fat Enrique VIII whose gut came to measure perimeter 135 cms.

el tiempo y el desengaño

Yesterday taking a beer around the neighborhood with friends a paisano alcarreño de Jadraque area left us a moment in silence to tell this true saying: time and disappointment are two real friends. They wake up to he who sleeps and teach the ignorant.


Also natufiense. It is said of the culture back to the kebaran at the beginning of the Mesolithic, approximately between 12. 000 and 8. 500 BCE, which was developed in the Middle East in a strip next to the Mediterranean between Mount Sinai and the upper course, half of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and the Anatolian plateau. The term was coined by the British archaeologist Dorothy Garrod in the first half of the 20th century to work at the site of Wadi-in-Natuf in the West Bank. The natufienses were hunter-gatherers and had managed to tame the dog.


From the Greek verb glypho, sculpt, burn, dig carving. Stroke or recorded and also written or painted sign, graphic representation of some element of writing and especially of maya writing, whose decipherment of the II Russian soldier got world war Yuri Valentinovich Knorozov in the 1950s after found on a street in Berlin in 1945 of the Prussian Library two books on the Mayan world.


Also sycophancy. Greek sykon, fig and faino, discover. Informer, professional whistleblower and flattering. Many in the classical as in all over Athens did groundless and overlooking illegal gain as many reported rich preferred to get rid of a few drachmas to be exposed to the uncertainty of a sentence to a false accusation


Greek hómoios, common, like, of the same nature and groupers, portion, part. Tiny particle similar to atom from Democritus constituent of all things of nature, according to Anaxagoras of Clazomene presocratico (5th century to.) (d). (C). ) . He also called them spermata because they are the seed, principle, cause and origin (arche) of the real. These pre-Socratic philosophers were trying to a logical, not mythical, explanation of the origin of the universe. Den gennietai tipota e tipota den pethainei. Nothing is born and nothing perishes.


From the Greek hermokopides (Hermes, God of Commerce, thieves, the crossroads, Messenger of the gods and kopto, hitting, cut, mutilate: crippling of Hermes). Made scandalous that took place at the beginning of the month of targelion of the year 415 to. (d). (C). in Athens. All Hermes of the city, except of the Egeida tribe, were mutilated. The Hermes were rough representations of the god Hermes stone as separators landmarks of the boundaries of the polis, roads, properties and crossroads, at whose front was an erect penis in high relief.


In the Greek dictionary the term silphion is translated by laserpicio, aromatic plant. Was in ancient times a plant similar to the giant fennel in Tangiers of the genus Ferula whose specific identity still unknown although we have some description in Pliny the elder, Theophrastus, and Strabo and his image is preserved in any currency of the Roman province Cyrenaica to the North of Libya, where they grew rich to extinction? in the 1st century. I was used in the kitchen, as aphrodisiac, abortion and many other ways. Some have regarded it as the aspirin of the ancient.


In El arranged with scissors (estisoras) something like clusters of grapes to make them more attractive markets. The estisoradoras of the grapes of Muscat of Alexandria in Teulada (Alicante), which with admirable precision and quickly withdraw cluster all imperfect grapes that make then mistela are famous. In some places this grape they call it Muscat of Teulada.


Latin equisetum, of equus, horse and saeta, cerda, needle, ponytail. Only surviving genus of plants with about 20 species of the family of the equisetaceas very abundant in the Carboniferous period. Occur in wetlands and clean water currents. In my country people use horsetail infusion as diuretic and disinfectant. It resembles ferns and also reproduces by spores.


Also Fany or Fani. Estefania hipocorístico from Greek stefanos, Crown of branches or flowers or metal, honor, glory, reward. Estefania is the feminine form of Stephen or Stephen, Protomartyr deacon of Christianity whose Hebrew name was Kelilan.

rosehip neurona

Rose hips-neuron. Hungarian and American researchers have discovered this neuron in the cerebral cortex of people, which could be related to the existence of consciousness and that bears resemblance to the shape of the fruit of the dog rose or rosehip calling in my land also agavanzal or tapaculos. These neurons belong to the Group of the inhibitory Interneurons which are in equilibrium with the excitatory.


In addition to treats that mentioned the companions, also defines an individual weakling, sickly, escuchimizado, esmirriado, WIMP and flimsy, designated also as noun affected delicacy in gestures and words, remilgo, nonsense, squeamishly and especially in Andalusia to the plant valeriana officinalis used in traditional medicine to combat anxiety and stress and also the Red Valerian, Chews, or grass of San Jorge (centranthus ruber).


In addition to the forms of the polysemous Word hang (attach something give in the ground, hanging clothes, hang a picture, hang, attribute, hang up the call, leave a job, hang the cassock), this term can function as a noun, the CEI action AR. Making linguistic memory of my alistana Earth I remember the birthday hangs in my childhood, a bittersweet celebration of the birthday of children. The night before them was neck a kind of necklace of rope or tape with sweets, chestnuts, walnuts, doughnuts, cookies, flowers, peanuts, which then had. I remember someone used to say frightening to the child "tomorrow you hung of the caldirizo". The caldirizo is an iron embedded in the center of the fireplace where the boiler is hung.


Acronyms of intravascular ultrasound, intravascular ultrasound, medical technology of internal scan of the arteries or veins of the circulatory system through a catheter carrier of an ultrasound probe that describes its internal situation in images. This technique is on the basis of the solution of diseases as coronary, femoral obstruction or iliac vein causing hemorrhoids.

creative commons

Creative Commons (CC): Licenses copyright free or open for cultural, educational or scientific works, that they replace the copyright (all rights reserved), rethinking intellectual property with the idea that there should be some goods common in the information age.


Latin chamaemelum (scientific name of the plant), derived in turn from Greek chamai, adverb that means Earth and melon, Apple (in latin malum), of land. It is common or Chamomile Roman Chamomile, Asteraceae family, widely used in eupéptica, carminative, anti-inflammatory and slightly sedative infusion by its essential oils whose aroma of Apple can be captured when stepped on.


Also diversion dam and azuda. From Hispanic Arabic assud. Ferris wheel to raise the water of a watercourse. In my perfectly land will say zuda or dam built with stones and Earth in a river to divert him partially into a mill or orchards. In my childhood I bathed me with friends at the zuda that channeled water in winter to the mill below. Both the word and the building are obvious remains of our Arab culture. The Arabs were masters in irrigation systems because the water was and is the most precious gift of nature for them.


Greek ekdosis, publication, Edition. Textual criticism also call is a discipline of Philology studying the ancient texts in their spatial and temporal circumstances to make them more faithful to its original meaning.



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