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Spanish Open dictionary by Felipe Lorenzo del Río

Felipe Lorenzo del Río

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cincurspecto is incorrectly written, and should be written as "circumspect" being its meaning: "Circumspect " from the latin " circumspicio " ( circum spicio ): look around warily, means the Viewer to her around with distrust, which shows serious and prudent under the circumstances.

parabola del hijo prodigo cristiana

The parable of the prodigal son is one of the " 34 pedagogical tales; that Christ told people to better understand their message. US tells San Lucas in his Gospel in chapter 15, verses 11 to 40 32;LK 15, 11-32 ). In summary it says this: A father had two sons who worked their hacienda with raised ( women at that time had low ). One of the children asked her inheritance and went home. He squandered the inheritance and fell into poverty to the point of having to care for pigs to another. (This work should be negligible for the Jews that are forbidden by the rules of the old testament eating pork, as it is considered an unclean animal ). He recalled his father and returned home asking for forgiveness. His father received him with open arms and held a party ordering servants to kill the calf priming for the banquet. The other son is mosqueó seeing how his father treated his wayward and full brother and told him: I've always you been obedient and respectful and not have given me a kid to make a party with friends. The father replied: look, son, all that is mine is yours; We must now let us rejoice because we had lost your brother and we have recovered it. This parable means Christian forgiveness for those who repent.


It is a word in use, which means natural 40 Cyprus;Cyprus ) Cyprus.


filomano is incorrectly written and should be written as " filomelo " being its meaning: 60; /br 62; "Filomano " It is probably a transformation of " filomeno " and this word a transformation of 34, filomelo " by dissimilation ( change of the " 34 l; the " 34 n; ) Greek word which means " the lover or friend of the canto " ( phílos: friend, and melos: chant 41. Our beautiful Spanish almost 80% of the words comes from the latin and almost the remaining 20% comes from the Greek.

a señas y a palos

In Spanish the proverb says: " the signs, the fool to palos 34 live; he wants to mean that we learn in life " by hook or by crook. If we are ready for the signals that we receive, if we are fools to sticks.


yeast is incorrectly written and it should be written as "leavening" being its meaning: The yeasts are microscopic fungi that serve to break down organic elements, especially carbohydrates, thus obtaining other products that we are very useful, such as wine, beer, bread or antibiotics. All of these processes involve the yeast called " sacharomices sereviciae 34. This yeast than in my country, (Ready, province of Zamora ) have traditionally used to knead flour and bake the bread in the oven called it " hurmiento "


the etymology of yeast: comes from the Latin verb levo - as - are what lift. It is a curious experience for children to watch as the dough rises when fermmenta and breaks the carbohydrates to get bread. My mother covered it so that it takes not cold and increased volume gradually


The strawberry tree arbutus unedo ) 40 It is an Evergreen shrub in the gardens of cities in Spain and wild form in the cool and shady mountains of much of Europe. It has a red and soft fruit when this ripe, slightly higher than an olive, which serves to make jams and alcoholic beverages. Formerly, it was to be a shrub abundant in the mountains of the community of Madrid, as well as bears, now missing. For this reason both are present in the coat of arms of the Spanish community to the point of being its most emblematic symbol.

que es autoctono

Indigenous, accented, is a word of Greek origin ( car: self and chthon: land, country ) and " who is or has been born in the same land that is " means: what is or which is of a place and does not come from outside. It can be applied to things and human beings

significado de epicarpo

meaning of epicarp is incorrectly written and it should be written as "Epicarp" being its meaning: "Epicarp " of Greek origin, ( epi:sobre and karpos: fruit ): " what is about fruit " therefore it is the skin of all types of fruit. It is a protective layer that contains cellulose, essential oils, pigments, enzymes, vitamins...Often we remove the skin of the fruit to remove chemical contaminants, but also remove the best fruits. Hence the importance of organic farming

hiperemia ocular

Ocular hyperemia, ( hyper: excess and haima haimatos: blood ) It means excess of blood in the veins of the eyes, especially in the sclera which is the outer layer of the eye, noticing more in the white area. The causes can be many: a coup, irritants, being long on the computer; This doctor should appreciate it. If the problem is not more serious is usually solved with an eyedropper, one component of which is salt dissolved in small amounts.

significado de aprobado del griego

With permission of the " master " collaborators from the open dictionary, Pedro, I want to make some clarification on " approved ". In classical Greek " approved " It said " egkrino 34, composed of " krino " that meant " " judge; be approved " 34 egkrinomai;. As the gamma ( 41 g; in front of another guttural in Greek is pronounced " or " ( n ) the above verbs were pronounced " enkrino and enkrinomai ". The past participle of the preterite perfect 34, egkrekrimai " He was " egkekrimenos - e-on " that was pronounced " 34 enkekrimenos;: which has been approved. Forgive the grammar roll.


Felipe is a name of Greek etymology which means " friend of 34 horses. Phileo: love, love and hippos: horse.


Irene is a name of Greek origin that means peace. In classical Greek eirene-is means peace, not war.


Phobias are irrational fears that alter the normal behavior and produce anxiety and distress. There are many types of phobias, according to the apparent cause that produces them. In this case, " the 34 lalofobia; ( laleo: talk and phobos: fear ) as " the 34 glosofobia; glossa; 40: language and phobos: fear ) It is irrational and distressing fear public speaking. Clinical Psychology has means to solve these problems: go to a specialist and have confidence.

sustantivo colectivo de vaca

The collective cow is cow. In almost all the villages of Castilla y León has traditionally existed the blemish: from spring all cows in the village were taken to communal pastures and well-kept, per shift, ( " the 34 Roda; ) by residents of the village. Today there are few cows: European economic policy?

que es el alcohol yodado

It is the mixture of alcohol and iodine to increase product disinfectant and antiseptic action. This type of alcohol, applied to the skin, kill in a matter of minutes, all bacteria, fungi, viruses and spores..., why it is used in surgery. Iodine also has been associated commercially with the salt. It is convenient to take iodized salt to prevent shortcomings of this element in the thyroid gland, which may lead to some health problems.


Amaranta or maranta is an ornamental interior of large leaves and with shades of color verdioscuro. Its Greek origin amaranthos means " which does not wither ".There are also other institutions with this name as the religious adoration that helps women out of prostitution

estar en pelota

"Be in 34 balls; It is an idiom meaning to be naked. If used metaphorically can mean " be without white " that is, not having money.

el bien

The well has been object of study of the different ethical and in different cultures. For hedonists is pleasure, for utilitarians, the individual or social utility for the Aristotelian ( eudemonistas ) It is accompanied by the satisfaction of the need knowledge. Finally, there are as many definitions as projects of morality. But to have a minimum agreement believe that well could mean " the respect of human rights 34. A friend defined it as " do what give one pleases, without doing damage to anyone "



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