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Spanish Open dictionary by Felipe Lorenzo del Río

Felipe Lorenzo del Río

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al alba

Adverbial expression that is derived from the latin albus alba, white album, which means dawn, time begins to lighten the day because the Sun is coming. He was also a Luis Eduardo Aute in the 1970s song, also sung by Rosa León et al., in memory of the shot by the Franco dictatorship, as a statement against the death penalty. It is a beautiful song.

se le ve el plumero

In catalan, is li veu the freeze-frame, colloquial expression meaning to see what is really under the appearances of someone or something, since sometimes appearances are deceiving and that is does not coincide with what appears to be. The origin of this expression is the nineteenth-century Spanish political situation, absolutists against Liberals, which created the progressive national militia whose members volunteers wore a cap with a striking red feather plume. In political discussions could sometimes hear: you to me not me fool, you've seen the Duster.

bajo la espada de damocles

Living under the sword of Damocles is a popular expression that means you are under a constant and imminent danger that threatens the location, activity or life of people and especially the most powerful, expression that is set in the mid-19th century, although history or legend of Damocles is known since ancient times by Latino writers and then by Lope de Vega and other writers of the golden age. Damocles seems like a courtly flatterer envious of Dionisio I, tyrant of Syracuse in Sicily from the 4th century b. C. To make you experience the honeys and the power hieles, it proposed sitting on the throne one day. To look up on the throne saw that a sword hung over it, subject to the ceiling with the mane of a horse, which lost all interest in continue of tyrant.


In the bable, as well as good luck or chance beneficial, means a disease of plants crucifers, such as collards, turnip, broccoli or cauliflower, also called hernia or trap, consisting of excrescences or rounded protrusions of the root caused by a fungus ( plasmodiophora brassicae ) that it rots the roots and kill the plant. It develops in very wet years in the seedbeds outdoors. Empotrecidos seedlings must be disposed to do the transplant. I see that this contribution also has done María Montaña in 2014.

mito en filosofia

They say that the philosophy was born around the 6th century a. d. C. in Greece when the logos start to replace the myth in the explanations of reality. The logos is the rational, not necessarily true or scientific explanation that begins to give reason for the natural phenomena without resorting to the supernatural, which is what makes the myth. In the myth, which is based on imagination, are used to the gods or some supernatural force to explain the universe or nature or any of its phenomena, which is what the origin of philosophy focused. Reflections on the human and social came later. The myth is all pre-rationalistic explanation of the reality that the causes and effects are not homogeneous. The clearest myth is the attribution to any divine origin of universe.


Tel rico is incorrectly written and it should be written as "telluric" being its meaning:? From the latin tellus telluris, planet Earth, ground, soil. Cultismo which means land, relative to the Earth or its influence on human beings. It is clear that habitat conditions influence the character and behaviour of the people and of course in their way of life. For example, land areas prone to earthquakes or earthquakes greatly condition the ways of life of its inhabitants.

pies de plomo

feet of lead is incorrectly written, and should be written as "with feet of lead" being its meaning: Adverbial phrase used figurative and familiarly with the verb go or walk to mean proceed with caution and care either because of the importance of what is brought in hands or by the consequences of the matter or to avoid any trouble. They said some in 1969, when the Americans reached the Moon, astronauts landed with feet of lead, and not just figuratively, to better adapt to the gravity of the Moon, which is smaller than the Earth.

me la suda

Made something sexist expression to mean that I care about a cucumber or a cumin or give a damn about or a hell or a radish or a pepper, or a whistle or a higa, i.e., I care very little or no matter nothing; commonly, it brings it loose.


In the bable escañar means to favor the passage of water irrigating furrows with some slope. Sometimes the water stops because of some impediment, such as manure or weeds, crawling to the back of the Groove with the I sajo, i.e. it escaña, cano, is made to keep the water. Same done on any small pipe of water where there is an obstacle which makes it difficult for its passage.

dicho de un animal que vive en rebaño o manada

The animal that lives in herd grade of gregarious, from latin grex gregis, Flock, herd. This instinctive tendency to coexistence in group is typical of many animals in order to survive. Imagine a single bee or an Ant, they would not survive. In the case of human beings, already Aristotle said it, we have a natural tendency to live ( the man is a political animal, ) together but not scrambled, i.e., we also have a trend opposite to the insulation. When one does not know this occasional isolation & say no to certain behaviors of herd we qualify it contemptuously borrego, complacent, mackerel, emborregado, vulgar

sobre y sus homofonas

It is a polysemic word that can be substantive meaning to cover paper or other material to introduce money, documents, cards, letters, etc, with different shapes, colors and sizes. It can also be a preposition with many circumstantial semantic nuances: up from about in, before, by, in addition a prefix derived from the Latin preposition super, as overprotection, bonus, sobresdrujula, various verbal forms of the verb overload overrun. In the jargon of the cot, bed young: I'm going to rub to the envelope.

mossack fonseca

Law firm based in Panama that has worked for many years with major global banks creating and protecting offshore companies for clients with lots of money who you were hiding in these societies for not paying taxes. 2014 all has gone well, but this year someone has leaked the information, 11 and a half million documents, a group of journalists, who have begun to publish on April 2016 in what is known as Panama papers, papers of Panama. Some say that the end of tax havens is next. It is also said that 73 trillion dollars are hidden in them. And to make us an idea, a billion is a million million.


payahas is incorrectly written, and should be written as "Payahas!" being its meaning: Recriminativa interjection giglica Cortázar which by the context of the text of the tale the inmiscusion terrupta, included in the last round, published in 1969, could mean: enough!, is already well!. The interrupted discussion when? It is this: Payahas, payahas!, elegantiorum, sujetirando of the desmecrenzas empebufantes crona. You have not finished pull when you are already manocrujiendo the fano, the colotas, the wiry rijo and the nalcunias, mofo as above and suno to medium and two miercolanas that what. -Do you realize? -sinterrunge Lady Fifa. -The very cornaputo! _vociflama the Tota. And there just are recompalmean and fraternulian.

papeles de panama

Last news about the corruption of some powerful and brilliant around the world that instead of paying their taxes on their land to share some of his wealth with others, is it often tax havens is not the poor to steal it. And the Panamanian people safe that has not learned that these individuals want to so much. Our gratitude to workers and journalists who still have some awareness.

entre pecho y espada

between chest and sword is incorrectly written and it should be written as "between chest and back" being its meaning: Adverbial phrase used colloquially that means in the stomach, because it is between the chest and the back, antagonistic parts of our body. Put something between chest and back so means eating it, digest it, sometimes also figuratively.

sufijo tropico

-Tropic and also - tropio trope, - troop,-tropia are suffixes that are derived from the Greek tropos tropou: return address and also, expressive form, style, forming words as entropic, heliotropico, eutropico, hidrotropico and tigmotropico. It can also operate as - trop - infix or prefix trop-, tropo-, trof-.


The moussaka or moussaka or moussaka is a Greek dish that has been internationalized. You can do as the lasagna layers or the empty bowl Eggplant split in two in the long run, to which we have previously removed meat. In layers is made thus: the first is a flat chips of a cm thick layer; over fried sliced Eggplant; about them sautéed onion, carrots and tomatoes, finely chopped, with meat minced preferably lamb or beef or pork; another layer of Eggplant; another of the fried meat; we sprinkle thyme and over bechamel sauce. A little grated cheese and bake 20 minutes. Broil 3 minutes and is.

marcarse un farol

It also said lay a bluff, throw a bluff or bluffing. Strategy to impress or cow or disorient opponents but that it has no basis. It says in some table games like poker or the mouse in which the Lamplighter appears to have a good hand when he has nothing. Deception can succeed if his personality is hard to scrutinize and actually has a poker face, i.e. you can not know if it lies or tells the truth.

muy a doc

to doc is incorrectly written and it should be written as "very ad hoc" being its meaning: Latinism that we've added the adverb of quantity very. Ad hoc means to this, for this purpose. It is usually applied to what is a suitable solution for a particular problem. Grosso may translate also, mode, as appropriate, specific, valid specifically.


Basque feminine proper name derived neke, penalty and pain. Its Spanish equivalent is pain.



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