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Spanish Open dictionary by V.M. Hjor Ku Xoans

V.M. Hjor Ku Xoans

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Firmament: Orphic vault of a Sidéreo which holds the apparent bodies. Empty hypothetical in that gravitational forces between the geometric bodies which pass are distributed. Arithmetic expansion in a space vacuum or pressurized.


Anima: field psychological dreamlike experience. The himself; intimacy. Heart or internal circumstances of instruments, which can register sensational effects. Internal space of a duct, complementary or supplementary elements can be exteriorized or expressed through a logical force. Circumstantial wall of the barrel of a gun. Athanor or hollow Quill. Longitudinal gap of a bamboo cane, where passing other substances.


Athanor: psychic animal ambivalence, which urges men behaving as female gender. Meaning of the male man of Genesis 1: 27 when his ambivalence is represented in a person of female gender, suitable in domestic activities. The woman par excellence; the companion of fact. Smooth or threaded surface of the inner wall of a cylinder, prepared to receive a screw or axis. Receiving a tongued supplement box.


Son: element emanated from another, which inherits a genotype, a karyotype or a philosophy-- of man: future human generation, appearing as an exogenous or endogenous effect between parents. New wave or generation at the end of a decade. The man later or more contemporary.


Rana: batracio frog resembling a frog with epiceno genre, with retractable and sticky tongue which can fire as does a chameleon when House insects. By way of - s: speaking insolence; with foul-mouthed aspect, as hunting insects.


Epiceno: grammatical meaning which made no distinction in the common noun male female animals ( frog, elephant, Zebra ). Tacit pejorative term that refers to an indiscriminate population of neuter gender and undetermined number (Lice, fleas, many rat ).


HEBREO: -según el sentido en que se toman las siguientes citas Bíblicas: Mt 19:24 y Zac 10:2, acción y efecto de hebrar, torsalar hilos de fibras finas. Como llana fina para hilar.---s: inducidos, corderos, rebaño pequeño.&#(prehistoria Sagrada o etimología de la palabra HEBREO: Como el Adán de Edén, Set Y Abel, son semejantes &#(niños pastores&#) en el tiempo que se invoca a Jehová, según el Gn 4:26 hace alusión al Amo y Señor de los frutos de la tierra y de los ganados, acepción evidente de varios versos Bíblicos como en Hch 20:28&#) Figura del Aries, &#(En la antropología Gnóstica, el cordero es el símbolo de la quinta Raza Aria, que como una semilla pequeña, vuelve a emanar de Sem después del diluvio, para multiplicarse a partir del Génesis 10:21 durante la Era de Aries, al lado de los gigantes o nefilims, con cultura Taurina retrógrada. Luego viene el Abraham hebreo, donde se reinicia una generación ARIA semítica sobre la media luna fértil, con cultura ariana &#(agropecuaria&#). La industria textil ovina era con la agricultura, lo que constituían una balanza económica eminente. Toda la Era de Aries fue hostil, ante la ignorancia de los gigantes que continuaban adorando la imagen de los toros. Durante el cautiverio en Egipto, los hebreos adoptaron muchos ritos y costumbres relacionadas a la Era de Taurus, hasta el advenimiento de Moisés, quien instaura de nuevo el culto al Cordero, como símbolo del hebreo Ariano.&#). Dos milenios y aparece el Avatara Xoan &#(Juan el Bautista&#), explicando solo en parábolas el misterio del CORDERO DE DIOS, para cerrar la Era de Aries con el advenimiento del Mesías Cristo y abrir la Era del Pez o de Cristo. Desde entonces, el Hijo del hombre estuvo representado por un gran Pez, único animal que no se desangra antes de comerlo-Jn 6:53-56. El V.M. Samael Aun Weor, se manifiesta a finales del s.XX como Avatara, en el papel de CRISTO, para abrir la Era del Acuario, a partir del 4 de febrero de 1962, y aparece la Nueva Ola de los 60&#', como una horda de pirañas, explotando demográficamente en un cardumen, al ser inundados por el aguador. El Gran Pez que estaba a punto de extinguirse con este cardumen, traga el Xoan &#(Jonás de la filosofía&#), que emerge luego como un profeta, en el papel de Mesías Paráclito &#(Consolador&#), según las profecías y las Escrituras:-Jonás 1:1-9.


Academy: from the Greek Academos = School of philosophy founded by Plato, where is estudíaba among the upper and complementary plan of a science, art or profession, Pro the development technical, technological or practical; a technique provides a sequence of procedures; technology is responsible for developing better instruments, suitable and more modern; a practice, running tasks in a most up-to-date level.


Spell: rudimentary, simple, that it has been manufactured outside endorsed technique, or according to a more primitive technology. Artifice or empirical artist. Wild Rite to subjective interference. -zero: hypothesized, convinced a superstitious power. Ordinary person with a morbid sensory faculty.


Bruja-o: false Alchemist and fraudulent. Petty and Avar person with hypnotic powers of any interference. Mitómano he boasts about his Alchemist empiricism to fool the superstitious people who sold their formulas or spells in clandestine appointments. Bibliómano or rezandero santerista very enigmatic, with a morbid nicolaíta.


False: deficit; It lacks value. Misleading, cheater. Jácobo-- Prophet: Gnostic hanasmussen very bibliómano. Witch with some interference in the mind of the candid, contrite and converts. Pharisee skeptical, ignorant and flamboyant.


Dictionary: of diction = expression of an idea through voice or writing. Compilation of systematized and sorted alphabetically the sayings or ways of writing the words of a language, with their meanings taken to the understanding of the partners.


Alphabet = a-b-c-d... = arrangement of the letters of a language, based on a system of Aryan of Phoenician origin, which established a succession of ordinal ranks as the digits, where the value of a few characters, can be equal to the sum of other smaller values, acquired with the degree of development speaker to be represented with the fingers. Example: a, is the first vowel; (b), is the first consonant. Then the b with a?! BA; and is her second vocal. Then... the b with e?! be. ... One plus two? equal to three, over another? the four. In that same order of ideas, ask the child:-what is your name? -baby! -How many years you have? -62; ( shows the fingers ).


ARYAN: from area = horizontal surface; Earth, soil; ara laborer; that the Earth he labra. Descendant of the Hebrew Adam, condemned to win bread by the sweat of his brow. Cemita in exile, stranger, wandering peasant, illiterate displaced from the area of détente for survival of their agricultural efforts. Marginalized to the Earth as a pawn in the distant East.


Aria: belonging to the Aryans. Race-: Hebrew humanity ( stature ) originally endogenésica who lived in Eden, fertile Gangetic plain area, very prosperous agricultural chores and spread throughout the land to the East. Race Aria, is identified as a fruit exogenésico, in the disorderly population explosion of the children of Eve, according to the Scriptures. Before you germinara of the land of the fertile Crescent, the Hebrew Adam, the Earth was already inhabited by human different karyotypes, which included giant of three to four meters in height, some with more or less digits on hands and feet than the Hebrews, with one or two eyes and even different in the texture of your skinreferred to in different mythologies as Titans, from chapter VI of the biblical Genesis 1: 4. But as the hypothetical appearance of the Hebrew Adam, preceding chapter 4: 17 of the Genesis, we could deduce the original Aryans managed to survive the flood, and are identified with the Semites, only until the Genesis Chapter 10: 21. For this reason, errors affecting men in the development of the story, due to the ideological confusion of the terms ARYAN and CEMITA, whose meanings are clear and concise in semantic dictionaries and esoteric glossaries.


Hebrew: Sanskrit term which refers to the person of stature average between 1. 50 and 2 meters, and that according to the Scriptures, is a direct descendant of the Adam Aryan, although their genotype seems adulterated to other giant ancestral exogenous genera, according to in Genesis 6: 1-4. Official language of some countries in the Middle East.


Ázimo: flour Unleavened cake. Flour for ácimo bread. Grain of wheat hojalado with oil and salt useful in the production of wafers. Wet simple flour with which they pressed and mold the hosts. Hebrew dissident Jewish meaning convert to Christianity.


Judaism: what belongs to the Jews. Orthodox character of those presumed to be descendants of Zara, son of Judah, the son of Jacob and had engendered in his daughter-in-law Tamar as Gn 38.


Judah: promiscuous Patriarch. Hebrew Hanasmussen, which dishonored the patriarchal prominence. Father of the fourth inheritance of 40 Israel;Iudaea ). The devil, according to Jesus of Nazareth in Jn 8: 39-48; ( because he fathered in his daughter-in-law Tamar twins Fares and Zara - Gn 28-, which prostituyó of bribery 41 Judea congregation.


Judaism: skeptical conception of Orthodox Jewish, with a hypocritical attitude that boasts great piety. Sympathy for the way in which the tribe of Judah exercises the priesthood, originally competition levitates. Fanaticism of Orthodox Jews, which boasts a Semitic ancestry as descendants of Abraham.



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