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Meaning of usiria



THE expression of the courtesy theory the LATIN classic did not know more than the use of the second person singular to refer to an individual, the second person of the plural to refer to several. A courtesy appears from the Postclassic latin, and while in the societies of the Romanesque villages of the high middle ages is differentiated to certain persons with a treatment please, grammar continues reflecting the primitive State of classical latin. The Spanish challenge is even at this stage, since that does not possess original forms, but in the second person, one for the singular, one for the plural; other forms are taken to the subjunctive, which reveals its additive character. Historically, the expression of courtesy is a feature of culture that has overlapped, so more or less successful and more or less conventional, the linguistic system inherited from latin. Let's quickly recap the formulas which have been used for the expression of courtesy. One could begin the following principle: the person stands to honor through a linguistic treatment different from that used to go to an intimate, an equal. Before seeing what is this difference, we believe useful to draw a perfect picture for the phenomenon to study. 1) ¿(Cómo se traduce el tratamiento cortés deel superior ael inferior, 2) (from inferior to superior, 3) the equal (less necessary and certainly less frequent)? In other words, we will say that you can have a descending courtesy, ascending courtesy and a courtesy at the same level. It is clearly ascending politeness which we see manifest itself more frequently, more intensely and with more mandatory. MORPHOLOGIC point of view we can grant a certain person a particular treatment that can be felt as a polite, according to times and societies, changing: 285 286 ALBERT DOPPAGNE 1) number: is the first manifestation that is observed in the latin post-dasico. Contact the partner to honor in the plural, increases its importance by raising it, which flatters him. It is the psychological argument, which retain, preferring it to the historical explanation that would justify the appearance of the plural in the moment in which there were two emperors. The Spanish vos, the Italian voi, the French vous, you English, flamenco gij are manifestations of this method; 2) changing the person: in place of the second person, too direct and which can be felt as brutal or rude, the third shows a rodeo and representing the person to honor as a dignity will be used. The coarse character of the second person singular feels even today in many hablares; (* 3) changing the genre: often as a result and as a corollary of the change in person. Indeed, according to the person to revere a name of Majesty and dignity (Majesty, Lordship, grace, excellence, your Highness, reverence...) and this name will almost always be a feminine name. The Italian kept it running using the feminine pronoun Lei. Will be the concordance according to the (more frequent in Spanish case) or according to the grammar (noticeable hesitations in Italian and French)? This system enhances the morphology of a crop of terms that play the role of pronouns or pronominal expressions. Here are some examples: to) from merced: your worship, vuesa, vuesarced, usarced, usarce, you, uced, uce, his mercy, his merce. (b) starting from excellence: your Excellency, vuecelencia, vuecencia, vosencia and usencia. (c) starting from ladies and gentlemen: your Lordship, vuesenoria, usenoria, vusiria, usiria, usia. 1. see the expression "come to you by you", arrive in a disputed terms more rude and decomposed. In the Walloon dialect of Marchin (Belgium) "il atoue" (the tutea) means: is rude, rude. The French-Belgium, "your vas te faire tutoyer" means: gonna take a beating. THE expression of the courtesy 287 d) from reverence: vuesa reverence. e) from person: himself. Etc., etc. Mark it down: all those terms are feminine in its origin, but they became pronouns or expressions reflexive no particular gender, indifferent, valid for both sexes; 4) changing the mode: the challenge is a way that, in principle, does not know more than one person: the second but both numbers: speaks, speak; baby, drink; see, id; etc. If you want to express an order politely, presents a problem that the Spanish resolves with the double change of person (passage from the second to the third) and so (the subjunctive takes the desired shapes: talk, talk; it should, be; go, go; etc.). Note When passing that the expression of the ban had known particular formulas from classical latin, in view of the sensitive nature of such an expression. The Spanish, for the prohibition, definitively renounces the imperative, and trust it entirely to the preceded subjunctive of denial: don't fall, don't fall you; (5) using accumulations: just saw on several occasions: accumulations are possible, sometimes inevitable. Accumulation of change of person and gender change: the Spanish and Italian. Accumulation of change of person and number change: German Sie haben to say you have. Accumulation of change of person and changing the mode: the polite imperative in Spanish and Italian; (6) using graphics devices: the use of the capital for the corresponding possessive adjectives and pronouns of courtesy. We will not stop at this point purely graphic, which is of interest mainly in the Italian and French. It has no effect on the spoken language, and does not constitute but a supplement of refinement. CONSIDERATIONS SOCIO - cultural expression of politeness language uses, but it is not an exclusively linguistic fact. There are social forces acting at the same time that the linguistic forces, and sometimes surpass them. For example note a series of movements or divergent trends in different but contemporary social classes. Note first the general fact that layers social infe2 8 8 ALBERT D O P P A G N E preceding aspire to social ascension and polite top adopt forms. Courtesy of aristocratic conception system is generalized. There is, thus, trend towards unity, which in certain languages is performed with the almost total disappearance of the familiar shape; It is the case of the English. At the same time, the upper classes who want to continue distinguishing, invent a new system with new forms, in order to separate from the mass of the people, creating a new ditch, a new hiatus. It is what we see in the Dutch: the family way was defeated by the courteous way; This unique shape is soon felt as common or vulgar, and creates a completely new system of expression of politeness, which leaves behind the peasants with their forms once polite, but entirely stripped of its distinction. In contemporary times, it is convenient to also underline a net tendency in certain societies, in certain regions, to the democratization of the aristocracy. The patricians are speaking the language of the common people. A previously rejected and regarded as vulgar, way is restored to some extent. Consequences can, therefore, be formulated as follows: to) tendency to the universalization of the courteous way; (b) tendency towards the creation of new systems of courtesy that prevent this levelling (which tended to literature); (c) possibility, at certain times, of a contradictory tendency of the aristocracy which revalue before discredited forms. This game of forces applies to a matter in which we cannot ignore: to) the role of the substrate: the language on which the language of culture overlaps, knows the expression of courtesy with similar or parallel means? In Flanders, for example, courtesy of the French system often represents an insurmountable for the subject speaking difficulty, because flamenco has become the stadium's unique shape, without distinction of courtesy or familiarity; (b) the greater or lesser complexity of expression of the courtesy system. It is evident that the Spanish system is much more complex than the French system, for example the change of person for the pronoun, the verb and the adjective is a difficult psychological exercise. It is logical, therefore, that there is errors and irregularities, more or less numerous local variations; (c) the stability of the message. If an expression of the courtesy system remains the same over the centuries, the circumstances are favourable the expression of the courtesy 289 for slow release. If on the other hand, several different systems occur at relatively short intervals, the failure is almost assured. It is the case of the Spanish at the time of the conquest: the you, you and you took place very quickly, which cannot but cause disorder; (d) the nature of the communication. What was the intensity of the contact or cultural penetration? Is it served as an administrative, economic, literary form? What was your life? What distance separating the region addressed the issuing Center? (e) did the point region to be autonomous? Feelings has professed to the metropolis after the separation: hostile, indifferent, friendly?; (f) what its particularism grown autonomous country? What is your linguistic policy: encouraging national characters or follow the evolution of the language of the metropolis? The country is divided from the point of view of physical geography: regions determined by geographical obstacles?; (g) what is observed the influence of some adstrato? For example it has been suggested that the spread of English, that knows no more than the single form, favoured the familiarity. Spanish AMERICA at the time of the conquest, what was the situation in Spain in relation to the expression of courtesy? According to what we can know, Spain was evolving in that regard: tú, derogatory, rude, offending before the sixteenth century becomes the treatment of trust: the vos which preceded it, is as a monopoly of the lower, of the peasants when the?? educated people begin to tutear is. The conquistadors exported the voseo, undoubtedly, since the vos form was current in the relationship from top to bottom. In the sixteenth century, the situation in Madrid can be defined thus: descending courtesy: vos; ascending courtesy: your worship (form appearing in the 15th century); relations on equal footing: you. Today it seems no doubt that all Spanish-language America has known and practiced the voseo. The great capitals, and in particular Mexico and Lima, were the familiarity influenced by Madrid, which were followed by relationship and regular. 290 ALBERT DOPPAGNE capitals, coastal regions, the regions more accessible have been touched by the phenomenon of the familiarity. The emergence of a third way of expressing himself, the ustedeo, could not but lead to hesitation and disorder. The regions currently practicing the voseo represent archaic domains. From the morphological point of view, it is useful to note that the ustedeo and the three systems in competition, the familiarity, the voseo, only the familiarity offers a complete and logical pronominal system. Does the voseo but an indefensible pronominal system by Vos combinations and you. As for the ustedeo, it constitutes an impoverishment of the means of expression. The competence of the three systems is extremely harmful for the unification and the correction of the language. The disorder is such that in Colombia can be found people who at the first opportunity you try, but immediately passed to you as treatment of confidence. COMPARISONS study of voseo makes us to think in other language domains that have known or known yet similar problems. It is the case, for example, in the heart of a country, of the use of the pronoun voi in Italian. This language known in the Spanish Trilogy: tu, voi and read, which correspond respectively to you, you and you. The French outside France knows adventures similar, although until now we don't have to do more than the competition in two ways, the your and the vous. We have already said something about the impermeability of the flamenco of Belgium to form vous. In Equatorial Africa, the terrain is the most interesting: French or Belgian settlers have nearly always Indians. These, learning French by practice, do not know more than the your e ignored the form of courtesy vous. Except a cult indigenous Africans tutean regularly to his interlocutor, that is. In the French-speaking Antilles, the familiarity is also regular, but it shows a mixture of forms that remind of the coexistence of the vos and the your: vous pouvez colfe chez ta mere. In the Antilles, it should be noted a vous of reprisal or the expression of the courtesy 291 of disgust. The maids often tutean their housewives. At the moment in which they dislike, they begin to treat them vous. Here, there is disregard for the value of the system: was not retained it but just one aspect. CONCLUSION the expression of courtesy that translates a language, can not be considered as a solely linguistic phenomenon. In general this expression tends toward the complication and instability, rather than move towards simplicity, condition of duration. Consider the expression of politeness as a hybrid phenomenon: linguistic effects on the language (conjugation and morphology) but above all social and under that very often assimilated relationship to fashion. Launched by a cultured society, refined, rich and powerful, a system of courtesy, with different lots, tends to be generalized. According to the degree of culture of other societies that he plays, we observe real phenomena of acculturation. According to the rhythm of succession of schemes launched by the initial cultural center, then eventually by capitals of countries arrived to autonomy, we see increasingly more overlays and mixes. Regions further away from the Center are the most archaic. The America of Spanish language is an area of choice for the study of this phenomenon, complicated at will by the competition of three systems: the familiarity, the voseo, the ustedeo. French presents the same phenomena on a basis less complex, since it has no more than an alternative, the of the your and the vous. ALBERT DOPPAGNE University of Antwerp and the University of Brussels





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