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Meaning of estampados

Pedro Crespo Refoyo


prints is incorrectly written and it should be written as "Printed or stamped" being its meaning: PRINTS is adjective plural m.Se concerned, above all, fabrics and its derivatives, such as suits, dresses, skirts, jackets or other garments, as well as shoes, carrying on an amalgam of colors: well shaped symmetrical drawing, stripes, forms of doll or person, etc.; well shaped abstract, blurred in the fabric or paper. Derived from " stamping " mark prints or other colors on a base of background color.



Plural of print .


Antonio Herrera Águila

Speaking metaphorically I wanted to express: "STAMPED DREAMS OF HOPE" To have an illusion reflected in the mind; shape it, colorful. . . To concretize and materialize the image, in our objective reality.


Hugolina Germana Finck y Pastrana.

prints is incorrectly written, and should be written as "Stamping" being its meaning: Stamping means placing a stamp; paint it on a cloth, paper or any other material.





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