jeva, term or Mannerism used by criminals, to refer to a woman in particular, " esa jeva if this good " ( I can be with her ) " my jeva was " ( I do what I want with my wife of ) a way of showing your domain or masculinity, so to refer to a woman who are not able to conquer ( that this out of your reach ) either because they are studied or highly respected in her community will refer to them as " Lady " If it is young " 34 chama; ( that chama is " Warrior " feisty, self-sufficient or worker ) if a male " decent " is the one who says it means way despectiva.y is likely to receive for a well-known reply: your my I do respect, perhaps I've played marbles with you ( I have not given confidence are not friend ) if it is a partner of office: moderates your vocabulary, lack of respeto.por which will make sure, just use it in a jocular way at a meeting of baseball. here in venezuela, women cast pa lante, when they give a parao macho husband say: I am not your washcloth in hand, or your with me you won't spend coleto, by what is handled here Dame with a dirty rag or coleto.lo certain means this beings do not say anything random example: you are a capybara, who does not know that the Capybara is the rat more big there but a version more beautiful or jocular. (Rat: term for someone who Scrubs ( jode ) another ) when something falls them in grace do not have qualms about speaking front: chamo are a rat not.