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Meaning of jeva

Danilo Enrique Noreña Benítez


In Colombia and in street language means woman, old, old woman.


Michel Garcia

The word Jeva was originally used to refer to the partner of Jibaro, who was the distributor or seller of drugs in Colombia. The term Jeva expanded in Venezuela, due to the Colombian migration that arrived in the 60's, 70's and 80's. and many of this migration settled in marginal settlements in the capitals of some cities. The term "Jeva" was a derogatory term, which eventually became popular. Some social strata ended up adopting this word to refer to the partner of a criminal gang leader.



That word of Venezuelan origin means girlfriend or woman



Jeva in my Country Puerto Rico is used more by Youth referring to a woman or man (Jevo) too, who is beautiful, that this good, which is tremendous woman, you are tremendous Jevota, or I also have a Jevito!!! ??



Listen to joe Cuba's song "My Jeba." That is the best and salty definition of this word, with which some of us refer to our wife or life partner


Jorge Luis Tovar Díaz

In some countries like Colombia and Venezuela, in the jargon of the underworld, and sometimes in popular jargon a jeva is a woman, a girl.



Dirty rag


Francisco Tovar

jeva is incorrectly written and should be written as "Jeba or jeva" being its meaning: I will forgive all, soy venezolano in Caracas with 43 years. The word jeva was born in caracas, on popular speaking of the district, without being delinquent. As in any area of Latin America has its particular slang. Dame ( 41 eva Phonetics malformation; female it is girlfriend or spouse of someone, applies as old in Mexico.Se started to be used in the final years of the 70s and early 80s. Then to the slang sed le decia calet, coming from Gypsy slang and jargon used in the bullfighting world.



Dame: In Puerto Rico, young and pretty girl.



That you like and do not want it to say



jeva, term or Mannerism used by criminals, to refer to a woman in particular, " esa jeva if this good " ( I can be with her ) " my jeva was " ( I do what I want with my wife of ) a way of showing your domain or masculinity, so to refer to a woman who are not able to conquer ( that this out of your reach ) either because they are studied or highly respected in her community will refer to them as " Lady " If it is young " 34 chama; ( that chama is " Warrior " feisty, self-sufficient or worker ) if a male " decent " is the one who says it means way despectiva.y is likely to receive for a well-known reply: your my I do respect, perhaps I've played marbles with you ( I have not given confidence are not friend ) if it is a partner of office: moderates your vocabulary, lack of respeto.por which will make sure, just use it in a jocular way at a meeting of baseball. here in venezuela, women cast pa lante, when they give a parao macho husband say: I am not your washcloth in hand, or your with me you won't spend coleto, by what is handled here Dame with a dirty rag or coleto.lo certain means this beings do not say anything random example: you are a capybara, who does not know that the Capybara is the rat more big there but a version more beautiful or jocular. (Rat: term for someone who Scrubs ( jode ) another ) when something falls them in grace do not have qualms about speaking front: chamo are a rat not.



Coleto, cloth, which is useless.






In venezuela they say so to the second, the wife and girlfriend in my opinion say that is this degragando our vocabulary. With the respect they deserve those that say it without offending pero.no well hear this word





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