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Meaning of paramo by Danilo Enrique Noreña Benítez

Danilo Enrique Noreña Benítez


The correct term is wasteland. It is the name of a very special ecological zone in the tropics, where are born usually rivers. It is usually a strip ranging between 3000 and 4000 meters high, where abound among other species the frailejones and the arnicas, also bromeliads, mosses, quiches and lianas. All of them have the property of retaining water or moisture. You are known as springs of water. In this strip is produced greater condensation of clouds and vegetation is special (very pubescent), retains moisture in the winter and slowly released it in the summer. It is estimated that in Colombia almost half of the territories of Páramo in the world, there is therefore our great water wealth and the great interest of conserving them. In Colombia is a surname of Spanish origin. As a noun means cold, tree, wilderness, ice cream, (while appearing in some dictionaries as synonym of wasteland wasteland, pedregal, desert, call of the SAR to visiting a Colombian paramo, as there is nothing more opposed to these meanings).

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